Fitting your bung and elastic
Obviously you are going to have to fit the correct elastic for the style of fishing you intend to do – refer to the panel below to give you a general guide.
In this piece we are fitting the green Preston Innovations Hollo elastic – which involves using about a No12 and would be well suited to small to medium-sized carp.
If you are fitting any of the hollow elastics you should usually try to fit it through two sections with the bung going into the bottom of the number three section of the pole. The same goes for the higher grades of solid elastics.
However, in the lighter grades, say from a No5 down, when smaller fish are your target you should be fitting the bung only in the base of the No2 section.
Note that if you are fitting through two sections, using one of the longer diamond eye threaders will make things much easier.
Pole Elastic Ratings
1-4 Perfect for catching small silver fish with very light hooklengths up to 0.08mm
5-8 Ideal when there are better fish about, like skimmers, with hooklengths from 0.09mm to 0.10mm
8-10 Use when targeting fish such as bream, perch and tench with hooklengths from 0.11mm to 0.12mm
12+ Use for carp when fishing lines bigger than 0.12mm
tcf Tool Box
To fit your pole elastic you’ll need:
• A sharp tool for cutting the carbon
• Sandpaper or a file
• A PTFE bush
• Your chosen elastic
• Scissors
• A bung and bung remover
• A diamond eye threader
• A pen
• A Stonfo connector