Lookout Lake Saturday 24th Feb 2007
Overcast, ambient temp 9 deg, humidity 93%, Wind SE1mph, Barometer 990.9mb, Moon phase First Quarter, water temp 6.4 to 6.3 deg, DO 12.4, PH 7.87
20 anglers
1st Ray Laing AON 26lb 04oz peg 23
2nd Jim Messer 21lb 07oz peg 16
3rd Colin Pine AON 19lb 15oz Peg 26
4th Mark Wilson Shotton AC 18lb 4oz peg 25
5th Dave Foster AON 17lb 10oz peg 24
6th Lee Slater AON 17lb 9oz Peg 21
Ray Laing fished up in the water on pole using maggot through continuous spraying of maggots causing a feeding frenzy and subsequently bagged up on rudd & roach and some carp.
With water temperatures slowly rising all lakes have had a very productive week, fish topping early morning at dawn and late after sunset
Bassetts has seen some excellent catches this week with carp to 4lb, golden tench, tench, and silvers including skimmer bream, rudd, roach, ide, golden Orfe, As part of an ongoing stocking programme Bassetts pond will be netted this week, all fish in Bassetts to be transferred to Lookout Lake, and new stocks of fish will be stocked into Bassetts.
Bowes carp have switched on and some excellent numbers coming out, Eddie Hern from Stanley angling club bagged up with 40 carp
Lookout Saturdays match total weight was 315lb 14oz with some great silvers bags coming out
Some good tench have came out both in match and by pleasure anglers largest to 6 to 7lb, best bream out was 4lb 8oz, some good catches this week.
Coaching is to start on March Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th
Sunday Jnr Open Match Sunday 25th Feb 2007
Torrential Rain followed by showers, ambient temp 8 deg, wind N 8 mph, barometer 995.9mb, moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp 6.1 deg, DO 9.98, PH 7.66
1st Liam Shilling AON JNR 22lb 15oz peg 5
2nd Anthony Longstaff AON JNR 15lb 2oz peg 2
3rd Chris Fail 4lb 15oz AON JNr Peg 7
4th Alex Burton AON JNR 4lb 1oz peg 1
5th Stewart Husband AON JNRs 2lb 2oz peg 6
Very well done to all the Jnrs taking part in this play off good bag Liam considering conditions.