In October’s issue we report on the new Browning’s Dave Vincent visits Have You The Mussel? Pallatrax boss Simon Pomeroy sets his alarm early to target Pallington’s tench shoals using little-used Green Shelled New Zealand mussels Time For Barbel Gary Barnett says you need to set your clock if you want to catch barbel on the Thames at Cutting Edge Carping In the latest part of his new series on carp tactics Tim Wagner looks at how to get the best out of PVA bags. Beachcaster Carp Big-fish specialist Dominic Holmes heads for Devon’s First Impressions Including a look at TiCA’s Abyss TF9007 carp reel and Fox Match’s 13ft Envoy carp feeder rod Where To Fish We spotlight four top waters in the south plus John Wright brings you news from the regions in form venues £1,400 Gamakatsu Hooks Competition Win one of 40 sets of Gamakatsu coarse hooks Tapping Up A Ton England International Des Shipp visits Commercial Clinic Clint Elliott looks at how Stickymag can outfish other methods and the water colls on commercial lakes.. The Ivan Marks Story In part eight Ivan talks about how moving from the Leicester team to hook up with Match News All your club match results, plus reports on how the regions top angler’s got on in the big matches Southern Matchman Final Find out how our monthly Garbolino winners faired at Wiltshire’s Witherington Farm Fishery in this year’s Matchman final Arthur’s Legend Keith recalls roach and dace bagging during evening matches on the lower To find out about the latest subscription offer CLICK HEREAlso in the feature packed issue, priced only £1.99
Sitting On The dock Of The … Bream!