Message from the editor
As promised the popular coarse, carp and sea fishing discussion boards are now active and back online.
You will see that old users can still log in using their previous user names and passwords after agreeing to the terms and conditions.
New users need to register and include an active email address so we can sent you an activation code.
Let’s hope we can keep things fair and clean and not experience the problems we had in November and December.
You will see that we have not appointed moderators. This decision has been made after taking legal advice.
However, should any of you notice anything abusive or libellous you feel could land the site in trouble, please email me asap on the email address in the contacts section of the site
Many thanks to all of you who contacted me with encouragement to get the site back online. I’m sure it will be back to its best very quickly.
Gareth Purnell (geespter) director