Woodland View Fishery is once again the main focus of the UK Disabled Match Fishing Federation events for 2009.
The Hadley, Droitwich venue will host two of the five Disabled Masters rounds on May 30th and August 8th, one Disabled Rod And Reel heat on June 13th, and federations teams of five on September 5th.
The UKDMFC is now in its fourth year of organising angling competitions for disabled anglers throughout the UK. It receives no funding and relies on donations from tackle companies, manufactures and angling shops. It’s streamlining its match calendar this year as it realises that anglers may have to limit their commitments in the current climate.
Any disabled angler wishing to register with the UKDMFC can contact Jim on 01942 259179 or 07759 812357 or e-mail jim@ukdmfc.co.uk. For the full calendar go to www.ukdmfc.co.uk .