Fishing Futures is based in the North West of England, founded in 2006 by Vincent Peake, a qualified angling coach, with a mission, to educate children to the benefits of angling as a hobby and a distraction from the street cultures of drugs, crime and antisocial behaviour.
To work together with local Schools, Social services, Police forces and any youth groups in
Our education program, Get Hooked on Fishing not Drugs. In addition to teaching all the basics of safe and ethical angling, this program combines long-term mentoring and positive life skills with conservation education in one powerful and adaptable package. Here’s how it works:
Angling Skills
Children learn all the skills necessary to fish safely on their own in a variety of settings, and the ability to teach others. Long-term mentors provide ongoing social support to motivate children to adopt fishing as a wholesome pastime, and encourage them to enjoy it regularly with their friends and family.
Conservation Ethics
Children take an active role in conservation in their own communities and develop ethical attitudes about the outdoors.
Social Skills
Children are empowered by a new, fun activity and positive life skills, such as creative decision-making, problem-solving, goal setting, patience, and camaraderie. Shared experiences with friends and family help children better communicate and interact with each other. They gain confidence and find a new sense of respect and responsibility for themselves, their friends and family, and their community.
By introducing fishing instruction to schools and youth groups, angling clubs etc, we introduce children to fishing. We help you to adapt the program to fulfil your particular interests and needs. This versatile program offers a variety of support materials, as well as access to local fishing venues, and provides brand name beginner fishing equipment.
For more information please visit us at: http://www.fishingfutures.com