The Cardiff Bay Harbour Authority along with the Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers is offering the chance to sea anglers to get FREE help and advice for there sea angling sessions.
On Sunday the 10th February from 8am to midday at the entrance to the harbour there will be several Sea Angling Instructors both Level 1 and Level 2 on hand to give FREE help and instruction to anyone that needs it. It is aimed at a friendly coaching session where everyone will learn a thing or two.
After the success of the first session in January you are advised to book early.
It is limited to 30 places and it will be done on a FIRST come FIRST served basis. All you need to bring is yourself along with fishing gear and bait.We recommend mackerel, ragworm etc, plus warm clothing if the weather is bad.
There will also be another on March 15th, from 10am to 2pm.
To book your place ring Gareth on 07876555334 or Mike on 07900966163.