The Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport, Andy Burnham and the Minister for Sport, Gerry Sutcliffe and Sport England have given a boost for angling through a new strategy for the next four years.
In their recent joint announcements at Lords Cricket Ground the Ministers included angling among 46 sports which are being invited to bid for government funding from 2009 to 2011. The themes of growing and sustaining participation, reducing the fall-off among teenagers and developing talented performers will be key objectives for the future of sport.
The governing bodies for angling and other sports now have to submit plans featuring priorities including club and coaching development, encouraging women and those with disabilities to take part and better links with schools, all issues which angling is addressing.
Chairman of the Angling Development Board (ADB), David Moore, explained: ‘This is a great opportunity for angling following on from the recent funding which Sport England has awarded the ADB until next year.
We have already started putting together our new plan to contribute to Sport England’s objectives and will be involving key angling organisations and the Environment Agency who are working to develop our sport.’
‘The Minister has personally recognised the benefits which angling brings to the community in a new ADB booklet entitled ‘Be inspired’ and this is being released to coincide with the launch of Sport England’s strategy.’