A million UK sea anglers want better sport fishing, according to the National Federation of Sea Anglers. The sport’s controlling body has said that it wants Government action to put an end to what it claims is the historic disregard for sea anglers’ legitimate needs, and to ensure continued growth of the nation’s £1 billion-rated sport fishing industry. A new body is being called for to manage marine resources up to 12 miles from the English and Welsh coasts – an area of some 34,000 square miles of sea. It would replace the Sea Fisheries Committees, set up over a century ago, which currently have jurisdiction within six miles of the coast. An NFSA spokesman said: “Future inshore fisheries managers must ensure the best value return on marine resources, not just for the commercial fishing industry and sea anglers, but for leisure users, the tourist industry and others.” There is to be a push for legislated powers to enforce the best value policies, which could produce a higher return than current regulations, which are mainly concerned only with the commercial fishing industry. It is all part of a public consultation on a new Marine Bill, due to be published next year. A primary thrust is the restoration of the size and quality of inshore fish stocks. The success of the Bass Management Plan is a prime example of what can be achieved.
Please help to generate an overwhelming response in favour of option 2 of the consultation to increase the Minimum landing size of bass to 45 cms, cos Defra sure needs to hear the sea angling message that’s its time for a change . ( all the details at <www.ukbass.com> click on Bass Management Plan and How you can help.) If the details aren’t yet displayed rest assured they will be in the course of the day.
Ignore the customary commercial bias in consultation documents that seek to pretend that a commercial fishery worth £ 7.5 million is somehow worth more than a recreational bass fishery estimated to be worth at least £ 100 million in England & Wales.