Sunday 5th June 2011 Lookout
Conditions:- Cloudy with drizzle, ambient temp 9 deg, wind ENE 8mph, barometer 1020. mb, moon phase waxing crescent, water temp ( highest this week was 19.7 deg,) now dropped to 14.7 deg, PH 7.45, DO 7.1 ppm, MV 29
1st Derek Fox 54lb 9oz peg 2
2nd Chris Gowling 43lb 13oz peg 3
3rd Gaz Malman 36lb 10oz peg 32
1s t section Andy Nelson 34lb 15oz peg 3`
2nd section Paul O Donnell 33lb peg 15
3rd section Ian Gillis 31lb 14oz peg 16aa
Saturday 4th June 2011 open and Jnrs Bowes
Conditions:- Mostly Cloudy, ambient temp 12 deg, wind NNE13 mph. Barometer 1029.8 mb, moon phase waxing crescent, water temp 17.9, DO 10.8 ppm, PH 8.23, MV74
1st Alister Morris 42lb 11oz peg 24 carp
2nd Jonny Maven 35lb 1oz peg 22 carp
3rd Anth Richardson 33lb 11oz peg 40 carp
4th Simon Avis 32lb 1oz peg 10 carp
5th Malcolm Fox 31lb 2oz peg 34
6th Jo Trollis 18lb 8oz peg 4
Wed 1st June 2011 eve open Bowes
Conditions:- overcast, ambient temp 15 deg, wind WSW 13 mph with gusts to 23 mph, barometer 1023.7 mb, moon phase New , PH 8.15, DO9.6 ppm, Water temp 13.6, mv 51
1st Peter Smith 35lb peg 22
2nd Davey Catchyside 29lb 10oz peg 24
3rd Lewis Mc Intosh 27lb 7oz peg 10
4th Tony Watson 21lb 14oz peg 4
5th Dave Pearson 16lb 13oz peg 2
5th Mark Carlin 16lb 13oz peg 34
Lots of double figured carp coming out on Bowes best to 29lb 9oz on banded double angel 10mm pellet covered in paste made out of angel 3mm and 10mm in pva bags, also some cracking carp on worm tipped with corn over chopped worm and caster
In the match on Sunday the winning carp were all caught on Paste made out of angel 3mm pellets, all tight in the margins.
Water temperature went up to 19.7 deg on Friday, but dropped by 5 deg by Saturday so carp started spawning but stopped very quickly as water temp dropped.