Wednesday 1st November 2006 Angel Lakes Open Match Results
Ambient Temperature 3 deg, Humidity 66%, sunny conditions & clear sky, wind NW up to 10mph, moon phase waxing Gibbous, barometer 1029.1mb, water temp 8.8 deg, PH 7.64, DO 6.1 was today’s setting, after the first frost of winter overnight, this was a hard day to get fish biting
1st Les Bolton Oaks Sessay 10lb 05oz peg 4
Equal 2nd Andrew Brown Shotton 5lb 15oz Peg 2
Equal 2nd Peter Smith Metro 5lb 15 oz peg 5
Rest Did not weigh in
Les used garbalino Super Legion 16mt Pole, Feeder caught all fish, Pellet 6mm on hook, Angel 3mm feed pellets, 4×14 Drennan dura float, .17 raflon powerline, maver hollow core 12-20 elastic,