Sunday 15th July 2012 open LookoutConditions:- SUNNY (forgot what it looks like) ambient temp 15 deg, wind W 12 mph, barometer 1009.5 mb, waning crescent, DO 7.37, water temp 15.2 deg, PH 7.5 1st Neil Brown 76lb 7oz peg 382nd Peter Cairns 76lb 02oz peg 53rd Alan Mc Guire 70lb 3oz peg 254th Graham Skirrey 54lb 11oz peg 135th John Foster 50lb 5oz peg 156th Dave Pearson 45lb 11oz peg 16aaJust to clarify we ARE having a Winter League, and the Spring League will be March Sunday 17th to 9th June 2013 Saturday 14th July 2012 open Bowes New Lake match Record!!Conditions:- Partly cloudy, ambient temp 12 deg, wind NNW 9 mph, barometer 1004.1, moon phase waning crescent, water temp 15.1 deg, DO 7.2, PH 7.61st Dave Pearson 147lb15oz peg 16 2nd Rob Emmery 71lb 13oz peg 353rd Kim Christie 49lb 4oz peg 184th Chris Pine 48lb 05oz peg 405th Alan Smith 37lb 3oz peg 26th Colin Pine 33lb 9oz peg 37Wed 11th July 2012 open Bowes Conditions;- Heavy rain over night then rain through the day, ambient temp 12 deg, wind NW 8 mph, barometer 1006.1 mb, moon phase last quarter, water temp down to 16.3 deg, DO 6.95, PH 7.11st Richard Wildman 73lb 14oz peg 352nd Dave Gardner 50lb 8oz peg 233rd John Dryden 46lb 8oz peg 404th Richard Bailey 35lb peg 25th Peter Jones 25lb 2oz peg 4Just to clarify we ARE having a Winter League, and the Spring League will be March Sunday 17th to 9th June 2013 Les Fielder fishing Bowes on peg 1 had 140lb of fish with a best of 20lb 2oz common carp .Fishing excellently with some lake match records getting broken and some excellent quality fish in size and quantity getting caught by pleasure anglers.Fly fishing for carp is 5pm to 8pm every evening on Bowes during July and Aug some cracking fish coming out best to Jonathan Green a common carp of 22lb 1oz .