Sunday 11th Sept 2011 open Lookout
Conditions, Fair, ambient temp 15 deg, humidity 74%, wind SSW 14 mph, barometer 996.3mb, moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp 14.3 deg, DO 7.95, Ph 7.65, mv 41
1st Tony Watson 58lb 5oz peg 9
2nd Malcolm Fox 32lb 1oz peg 4
3rd Neil Brown 31lb 11 oz peg 2
4th John Foster 29lb 11oz peg 1
5th Ray Wallace 26lb 9oz peg 15
6th Richard Wildman 25lb 12oz peg 7
Sat 10th Sept 2011 open Bowes
Conditions:- Cloudy, ambient temp 18 deg, humidity 94%, winds S 10mph, barometer 999mb,
moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp 14.5 deg, ph 7.55, DO 8.95, mv 31
1st Craig Thompson 43lb 11oz peg 2
2nd Richard Wildman 43lb 3oz peg 5
3rd George Atking 32lb 10oz peg 4
4th Alan Mc Guire 20lb 1oz peg 40
5th Kim Cristie 11lb 12oz peg 34
County Durham Chaps qualifier Sat 10th Sept 2011 Lookout
Conditions:- Cloudy, ambient temp 18 deg, humidity 94%, winds S 10mph, barometer 999mb,
moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp 14.7 deg, ph 7.65, DO 7.85, mv 31
1st Tony Watson 33lb 8oz peg 3
2nd Gaz Malman 32lb 9oz peg 2
3rd Chris Gowling 26lb 3oz peg 1
4th Ken Golightly 23lb 12oz peg 9
5th Chris Owers 20lb peg 11
Wed 7th Sept Day open match Bowes
Conditions Mostly cloudy, ambient temp 13 deg, wind W 14 with gusts to 19 mph, barometer low 999.9mb, moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp 15 deg, DO 6.5, Ph 7.68, mv 46
1st Rob Emmery 72lb 15oz peg 4
2nd Rob Schindler 48lb 9oz peg 24
3rd Kim Christie 47lb 4oz peg 2
4th Mark Wilson 36lb 5oz peg 18
5th Alex Burton 25lb 15oz peg 14
6th Peter Smith 20lb 11oz peg 1
Some very good catches this week especially if you kept to the same method you planned on and fished it all day, Ian Dixon did just that and fished Bowes Peg 1 on Mussel and fed chopped mussel and was rewarded with 6 double figured carp 5 commons and one mirror from 12lb to 22lb 4oz as well as a large number of single figured carp.
Lookout is producing some great numbers of quality silvers with ide to 2lb 10oz and tench to 9lb 7oz, some good crucians but they were not weighted, but were approx 3lb bream to 6lb 5oz and rudd well over 1lb as well as well as roach over 1lb , carp & koi feeding at dusk and dawn in large numbers.
Bassetts still very productive with all species still catching in good numbers, carp to 6lb and golden orfe at 3lb 10oz best out this week.