Author: geepster

Former editor of many a fishing magazine, owner of and MD of a pest control company!!

NuFish Hooded Side Tray

It’s rarely perfect fishing weather is it? Especially in the UK. Too wet, too windy, even (very occasionally) too hot. Soggy groundbaits or pellets ruin things as much as maggots climbing out all over your kit, casters turning into floaters or groundbait drying out. The NuFish 6040 Tray comes with a hood that allows you […]

New Pellet Wagglers from Matrix

Unique ultra-durable aerated plastic body High visibility moulded flighted cap Brass weighted base, no additional shot required Built in X-Strong swivel for easy and secure attachment Available in 12g, 10g, 8g, 6g

Barbel Society call for otter cull ‘ill considered’ and downright dangerous’ – Angling Trust

The Barbel Society Officers have recently launched a petition on the government website calling for the removal of the current legal protected status of otters. This follows on from their 2018 petition calling for ‘non-lethal controls’ which was comprehensively rejected by the government. The Angling Trust has been asked to respond and the following statement […]

Angling Trust reacts to death of Prince Philip, a lifelong angler…

A passionate advocate for wildlife and the environment, Prince Philip was patron of Fish Legal since its formation in 2009 and for many years beforehand was patron of the Anglers’ Conservation Association, being highly supportive of its aims to protect waters from pollution and other damage. In 1998, on the celebration of the ACA’s 50th […]

Angling Trust and Daiwa announce major partnership to protect the environment and inspire a new generation of anglers

The Angling Trust is delighted to announce that world famous tackle manufacturer Daiwa has become a Trade Associate member. The agreement will see Daiwa play an active role in supporting the work of the Trust to protect waterways and the environment and promote angling to encourage more people to take up fishing. In welcoming the […]

Shark anglers encouraged to take part in a national survey to monitor stocks….

Through a new collaborative partnership with the Angling Trust, Shark Angling Club of Great Britain and researchers at the Bournemouth University and the University of York a new survey for recreational sea anglers targeting all UK shark species, from smaller species such as dogfish to larger species like blue sharks, has been launched. The aims […]

Match and charter boat fishing to resume from March 29th

After what has been described as “intense discussions with government officials” the Angling Trust is delighted to announce that we have confirmation that all forms of angling including night fishing, charter boat angling and match fishing will be able to resume from March 29th under new Covid guidance for the return of outdoor sports and […]