At the recent meeting of the BRFC chaired by Mr Ken Ball, and attended by Ian Epps, National Federation of Anglers; Marsh Pratley, Phil Smith: Specialists Anglers Alliance, Chris Clark, National Federation of Sea Anglers, Oliver Crimmen of the Natural History Museum, Scientific Advisor to the BRFC, the Secretary David Rowe, the following records listed were ratified and decisions made. In attendance as a guest was Mr Len Le Page the Secretary of the Guernsey Record Fish Committee with whom the committee has worked for many years.
Species Weight Captor Date Caught & Location Previous Record.
Coarse Fish 21lbs 0 oz Mr Graham 09 Nov-05 19lbs 6oz 8drms
Barbel King Adams Mill, River Ouse
(Barbus barbus)
Coarse Fish 20lbs 14oz 8drms Mr Graham 22-Oct-05 19lbs 6oz 8drms
Barbel – Interim King Adams Mill, River Ouse
(Barbus barbus)
Coarse Fish 64lbs 14oz. Mr Simon 23-Oct-05 64lbs 5oz
Carp – Mirror Bater Colingwood lake, Ashford,
(Cyprinus carpio)
Coarse Fish 5lbs 15oz Mr Les 17-Feb-06 5lbs 9oz
Perch Brown
(Perca fluviatilis)
Coarse Fish 4lbs 4oz Mr Keith 25-Mar-06 4lbs 3oz
(Rutilus rutilus)
Coarse Fish 13 grms Mr Geoffery 01-Nov-05 New Record
Stone Loach Green Windmill Fishery
(Barbatula barbatula)
Sea Fish – Boat 2lbs 14oz 10oz. Mr George 04-Oct-05 2lb 13oz 11drm
Gurnard – Red Shields Porthleven,
(Eutrigla gurnargus)
Sea Fish – Shore 1lb 7ozs 4 drms Mr Simon 12-Aug-03 1lb 2oz
Bream – White Sea Gavey
(Diplodus sargus)
In addition the following decisions were made :-
1/ To change the procedure which requests the claimant to provide the precise location of capture, to providing the general area of capture. This has been done to protect the location of capture from unwelcome pressure.
2/ To accept other new species to the coarse list, provided that they are agreed as an indigenous species:
3/ The members received the report from the freshwater fish sub-group on using DNA as a method of identifying certain species and were very positive about the value that DNA testing could add to the validity of coarse fish records. The process of carrying out investigations to assess the viability of taking mucus swabs from the flanks of fish was progressing and the Freshwater Group would meet again as soon as the results were available. Concerns were also raised about asking the public to remove a part of a fish for DNA Testing.
The members agreed not to accept or promote any procedure that resulted in dead coarse fish or scales of coarse fish being accepted for recognition of a claim and consider it unacceptable.