Category: Angling News

Tubertini England Home Nations Boat Team win Silver off Weymouth

Tubertini England Home Boat Team took second place honours at the SALC Home Boat International Championship out of Weymouth harbour from 13th to 16th June 2018. Team England consisted of; Gary Geoghegan (fishing/manager), Cliff Newbold, Martin Bobbett, Brett Lomas, John Bellamy, Richard Day, Peter Bailey (reserve) and Cliff Williams (2nd reserve). Team England’s preparations began […]

Silver for Team England’s Disabled on the Scolmatore Canal, Italy

Team England’s Disabled squad finished with a fantastic second place team win in the 21st FIPSed World Disabled Championship from 14th – 15th June on the Scolmatore Channel near Pisa, Italy. Team England Disabled Team consisted of; Mark Russell, Mark Eves, Roy Wells, Alan Chadbone, Stefan Gent, John Weeden (manager), Dick Clegg (2nd captain) and […]

Gavin Bridge goes straight into Fish’O’Mania Final on toughish Coleman’s Cottage

For a change, the weather was reasonable for nineteenth Fish’O’Mania Qualifier held at Colemans Cottage.  The warm and breezy conditions did not though, galvanise the fish into a feeding frenzy and weights were surprisingly low for this normally prolific venue. Not that local rod Gavin Bridge (Colemans Bait & Tackle) was worried about any of […]

Five new British records ratified by BRFC

The BRFC met at the Natural History Museum, London, on 12th June 2019. Present were: Mike Heylin OBE (Chairman), Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Andrew Nellist (Freshwater Specialist), Mat Mander (Marine Specialist) and Nick Simmonds (Secretary). The committee considered and accepted the following record claims as being duly ratified: Simon Ellis’s Grayling (Thymallus […]

Chalk Streams in Crisis

Following three consecutive dry years across much of Britain, river levels and groundwater supplies are now in such a depleted state in the water-stressed South East that wildlife organisations and river groups have published a call for the Government and Water Companies to introduce hosepipe bans and other water restrictions immediately to avert fish kills […]