Category: Angling News

12lb 10oz brown trout from Rutland is season’s best so far…

(we are awaiting a picture…) • Best fish of the season at Rutland Water Superb 12lb 10oz Brown for Chris Bobby Rutland Water 01780 686441; Grafham Water 01480 810531; Pitsford, Ravensthorpe & Hollowell 01604 781350, Taverham Mills Fishery 01603 861014; Alton Water 01473 589105 Recreation Dept Anglian Water 01572 653021 Rutland Water Fish 425 […]

England 14th in World Big Game Trolling Championships, South France: Germany B Champions

This year’s FIPS-M 27th World Championship for Big Game Trolling took place in Frontignan, South of France from 29th September to 6th October with 14 nations competing to target the giant bluefin tuna and swordfish abound in the area. Team England consisted of; Andy Atkins (manager), Peter Bailey, Jack Challis and Jon Patten. Unfortunately the […]

Estonia win world lure fishing title at Rutland. England 14th….

• Rutland Water welcomes world’s greatest lure anglers with Estonia winning world title Rutland Water 01780 686441; Grafham Water 01480 810531; Pitsford, Ravensthorpe & Hollowell 01604 781350, Taverham Mills Fishery 01603 861014; Alton Water 01473 589105 Recreation Dept Anglian Water 01572 653021 Rutland Water Fish 618 (Season 34,935) Returns 180 (6,869) Rod average 3.43(5.08) […]

New world black crappie record for delighted Lionel

The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) has approved Lionel Ferguson’s 5lb 7oz black crappie as the new All-Tackle world record. Ferguson’s historic catch is the heaviest crappie ever recorded by the IGFA and replaces the previous record for black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) that has stood since 2006. Ferguson caught the record crappie on May 15, […]