On Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th over 60 hours of angling coaching was delivered to over 200 Cubs and Beavers giving them a taste of fishing at a Scout Funday held at Gilwell Park in Essex.


The yearly event put on by the Scouts Association was attended by youngsters aged 6-10 years old who are part of the Cubs and Beavers groups. A range of activities were held over the two days, however by far the most popular activity was angling. John Palmer of the Scouts Association said, “It was great to see the children enjoying angling and being introduced to the surrounding wildlife as well by the NFA coaches.”


Fully qualified coaches from the National Federation of Anglers (NFA), the Governing Body for Freshwater Angling attended the event and gave over 60 hours of coaching to over 200 children aged 6 – 10 years of age.


A key element of NFA coaching is not only to introduce youngsters into the sport but also to help educated them about the other types of wildlife that exist in the fantastic countryside we have in this country. NFA coach, Steve Gray commented,


“The aim of the day was to catch a few fish and put a smile on the faces of those children who attended the day and hopefully give them the angling bug. When you have the attention of these children you can talk to them about other forms of wildlife that were all round us. We were sharing our space on with coal tits, newts, frogs and a coot with its young.  But for me the highlight of the day was a rather precocious grass snake who swam around without a care in the world.”


Coaching events like these are the best way to introduce children into angling and are a key part of the NFA’s work to get more people into the countryside and enjoying the pleasures that angling can bring.