Mola Mola Beach Shark Fishing, Namibia

Most anglers had not heard of the incredible fishing along the parched beaches of the Namibian Skeleton Coast, until John Wilson brought it boldly into our living rooms. The fishing remains spectacular, casting into angry, fast ripping surf with the prospect of a hooking into a giant bigger than you looming large. The bronze shark, which can grow to 200kg plus, is a key target, but also on the agenda are gully shark, Kob and other species. Bronzies are known to sometimes jump when hooked and be warned, fights on the custom-made beach tackle can last SEVERAL HOURS! It has to be some of the most exciting shore fishing on the planet. This is one of the most nutrient-rich areas of the Atlantic Ocean with the influence of the Benguella current from the Antarctic creating a thriving marine ecosystem close to shore, which inevitably draws in the big, predatory fish.


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