JIM Knight, the Parliamentary Under Secretary at Defra, with responsibility for Wildlife Mangagement, Access, and British Waterways, confirmed at a meeting with anglers leaders on Thursday 20th October, both his and the government’s support for angling.

Speaking after the meeting Terry Mansbridge, Executive Chairman of the National Association of Fisheries and Angling Consultatives, (NAFAC), said, ‘This is the first opportunity that I have had to speak with the Minister and I am delighted with the results.

The Minister has confirmed his support for the changes made to the cormorant licensing system that were announced by Ben Bradshaw in September despite pressure from the RSPB to see it changed.

Furthermore he was able to confirm that the government does not support the British Canoe Union’s claim for unrestricted access to England’s waterways but will continue to work to promote the adoption of locally negotiated access agreements which have been proven to work elsewhere.

Finally in response to anglers complaints regarding British Waterways dismissive attitude to the sport, particularly with regard to navigable waterways, he promised to meet with them and ask them to do more in respect of their social and environmental duties.’

David Kent, speaking on behalf of the National Federation of Anglers, (NFA) added, ‘We hope that we can now work with British waterways to produce a robust strategy for angling’

Martin Salter MP commented, ‘I was pleased to arrange this useful meeting on behalf of angling and fisheries. It is a first step to delivering what was set out in Labour’s recent Charter for Angling.’



The National Association of Fisheries and Angling Consultatives (NAFAC) is the national body for local angling and fisheries stakeholder groups who between them represent some 400,000 anglers and others interested in the well being of our fisheries.

The National Federation of Anglers is the governing body for coarse angling in England.

 Martin Salter MP is the parliamentary spokesman for Angling and Shooting.