Our youngest representatives for Team England put in a stellar performance in oppressively hot conditions on the Cavo Lama Canal, Italy. The angling on the venue was somewhat alien to the team and surrounded catching very small carp with both bloodworm and sticky maggot, but they adapted brilliantly to take home an impressive fourth place.

The team consisted of; Managers Joe Roberts and Michael Gibbs. Squad; Callum Jennings, Billy Kirk, Joshua Palling, Billy Pitman and Sonny Lynn.

Day one saw the team come out of the blocks quickly with two impressive section wins from Callum Jennings and Billy Kirk, Callum catching over 9kg of small carp! This meant the team were in second place on 16 points and in striking distance of the home favourites on 12 points.

Callum Jennings Second Individual in under 15s world match fishing championships 2018.

Day two however, brought with it some suspect draws and our lads found themselves in the wrong ends of sections, away from where the critical bonus carp were feeding.

This didn’t stop Callum though, turning in an impressive 6kg 694grams and taking a much-needed section second. This, added to his first day total, gave him 3 points and he took the Individual silver on weight countback from the Italians.

Overall the team amassed 28 points on a trickier second day, some of the teams’ advantage from feeding decent amounts of corn had faded, after a few of the other nations adapted their tactics for day two.

This left them on 44 points just two off the Polish team in third place.

Joe Roberts Commented; The lads fished really well in some sweltering conditions, we’ve got a fairly new team with the departure of some of our older lads and were really pleased with how they’ve come together over the week. I’d like to personally thank all the anglers and their parents/guardians as it’s a real team effort over the week.




1.    Italy 19 points

2.    Hungary 36 points

3.    Poland 42 points

4.    England 44 points


1. Marco Bettin, Italy, 2 points

2. Callum Jennings, Eng, 3 points (16.267kg)

3. Federico Nosotti, Ita, 3 points (11.931kg)