Every year cases are reported of anglers being injured when their angling equipment contacts overhead power lines. In extreme cases this has resulted in horrific burn injuries or even fatalities. Lack of awareness on behalf of the angler is often the main cause of such accidents.
The National Association of Fisheries and Angling Consultatives (NAFAC) therefore welcomes the new comprehensive guidance issued by the Electricity Networks Authority (ENA) about the dangers to anglers, and others, from overhead power lines.
This guidance is the product of a great deal of work and co-operation by a working group consisting of representatives from a number of stakeholder groups, including NAFAC, and highlights the problems caused in the distribution of electricity, a vital form of energy in today’s high technology world.
Fred French MBE FIFM, NAFAC’s representative on the working group said, “ This is an excellent document that clearly sets out the dangers to anglers, and the steps that should be taken to minimise risks, and we fully support its widespread distribution. Angling Clubs have a duty of care to their members to pass this guidance on to all their members”
Copies of the guidance, which is entitled ‘Angler Safety’ can be downloaded from the ENA web site at www.energynetworks.org