These amazing lures light up in saltwater, incredibly without the need for any batteries, and mimic the natural lights in the sea that triggers a feeding response from predator fish.
The company’s name comes from the Latin name for the antenna used by the angler fish – the esca – to attract its prey. It’s not just the light, but also the electrical field generated around the lures that make fish attack, says Esca.
It all works through an integral chip that will activate at depths way down to 600 metres, and Esca claims fantastic results in testing. The light deactivates automatically when out of water and each lure has an estimated fishing lifetime of 100 hours.
The Esca Attractor, which looks like a normal spoon with a chip embedded into it, weighs about 8gr without the integral treble hook and is about 4.5cm in length.
It comes with a blue or green fading or blinking light. Blue light is recommended for clear water and deep water because it is the wavelength that penetrates the deepest and the furthest. Green light is better in murkier water and shallow waters containing more particles and algae.
The attractor can be added to the end of any existing lure using a split ring, or you can wrap an Esca shrimp or squid softbait around it. You get one attractor and two softbaits in each pack.
I can’t vouch for their effectiveness but on the face of it they seem to be a fantastic idea and a truly excellent innovation.
Esca Lures Fact File
Buy online:
Price: The Esca Attractor, £15.99; Esca Softbaits, £4.99 for a pack of two