The National Association of Fisheries and Angling Consultatives, (NAFAC) is supporting a proposal being put forward by the Upper Ouse Fisheries Consultative Association, (UOFCA), which seeks a change in Environment Agency bylaws to make the unauthorised removal of fish from rivers, drains, canals, and still waters illegal.
In a memorandum to member clubs and other interested parties, UOFCA point out that under current bylaws in the Anglian, and some other regions, the Environment Agency are powerless to get involved with fish removal in many instances, because current bylaws allow the removal of up to two fish without approval.
As a result UOFCA are asking other Consultatives, clubs and individual anglers to write to the Environment Agency seeking a change to the law to enable the unauthorised removal of fish to become a criminal offence.
UOFCA Chairman Trevor Johnson said, ‘The time to write to the Agency is now, because they, together with Defra, are currently reviewing the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act which is the foundation upon which regional bylaws are based’
Terry Mansbridge, NAFAC’s Executive Chairman, commented, “NAFAC support UOFCA’s appeal because there are problems in some parts of the country with fish either being taken to illegally restock elsewhere or for the table. This is an ideal opportunity to tighten up the regulations”
Anyone wishing to support a change in bylaws should write to,
Mr. A Taylor,
Environment Agency National Fisheries Policy and Process Manager.
Waterside Drive,
Aztec West,
BS32 4UD
For the full sttory see the next issues of Midland Angler and Southern Angler