RADICAL plans to open
The Scottish Executive has approved plans to end the loch’s landlocked status by transforming the River Leven into a canal, linking
However, furious anglers fear the changes will cause an invasion of alien species into the water, possibly destroying one of the best salmon and sea trout rivers in
The Scottish Anglers National Association say they are “very concerned” and will take action to try and block the plans.
A spokesman said: “This could be potentially disastrous for the Leven and
“We will consult our members with a view to challenging these proposals,” he added.
Under the plans, sailors would be able to travel from the
In recent times, a barrage used by water authorities at Balloch has separated the two waterways. That barrage would be replaced by a series of locks and seven miles of the Leven would have to be dredged.
lain Gray, Transport Minister, said he wanted to create a ‘Scottish canal culture’ similar to that in many European countries.
In the Executive’s first canal policy document, he said: “
But Professor Peter Maitland, a leading fishery biologist, warned: “By opening up