Graham and fishery match record holder, Pete Rice, run the on-site tackle shop (tel: 01926 842975) and point straight towards House 1 (34 pegs) where worm and caster fished at just 4 metres will be top dog in August. Carp to 6lb, bream to 3lb, tench and stacks of roach will all respond willingly and that means there could be 100lb bags of fish lurking that close in. Bigger carp, well into double-figures, can be snared on the Method feeder cast out to the islands, using dead red maggot on the hook. Canal Pool (24) is a new pool with an island running straight down the middle. Pellet (TNTBF own brand), maggot and corn fished at 3 metres or out to the island at 10/12m is the method, Loads of carp from 1lb to 5lb, goldfish and golden rudd will make up the bulk of the weights. These are hungry fish, waiting to be fed, so get stuck and enjoy the sport. Day tickets are £7 (and that includes the use of a keepnet) with concessions £5 during the week and breakfast is served at weekends. Don’t forget to have your card stamped as after every five visits to Tunnel Barn Farm the next outing is free of charge. Contact owner Mike Hamlington for club bookings only on 01926 842975.