It’s the ‘top & bottom’ of it this month with Bottom Pool (29 pegs) coming out on top! This is a ‘surprise pool’ at this time of the year, especially with a 25lb Ghostie haunting anglers that have hooked it but lost it, including venue match record holder Pete Rice! Some other really big carp, well into double-figures, will also be on the prowl but plain old bread fished up or down in the water tends to grab their attention. Corner pegs 1, 10, 14, 27 & 29 are rod ‘n’ line fun with these brutes or anglers can play ‘snap’ with the pole using 10lb line, 20 elastic and hook and hold tactics … but not for long! Bream in the 4lb to 6lb class will come to pole fished caster and maggots over some GB, and they also enjoy munching on worm, as do perch which go to 3lb-plus. Top Pool (33) needs a serious look in ‘The Bowl’ area (pegs 1 to 4 & 30 to 33) where it’s a bit deeper by the trees and snaggy spots, where funnily enough, the bigger carp hang out. Caster and worm down on the deck are the main players, and while plenty of silver fish are there to be caught, hang on tight if one of the big boys plays his or her hand! ‘The Straight’ is full of F1s, bream and roach, with weights to 60/70lb a doddle on pole at 8 metres and at 14/16m out to the island, using maggot, caster and worm baits. Graham or Pete can be contacted at the on-site tackle shop tel: 01926 842188 or fishery owner Mike Hamlington for club bookings only on 01926 842975. Day tickets are £7 (that includes the use of a keepnet) with concessions £5 during the week and breakfast is served at weekends. Don’t forget to get your card stamped as after every five visits to Tunnel Barn Farm the next outing is free of charge. All pellet feed must be TNTBF own brand.