Ivan’s Great Italian Lake SessionTaska backed Ivan Battisti is fresh from a superb session on a big lake in Northern Italy which saw him back a trio of big commons to just short of 50lb. 

Fishing white fish boilies on a D-rig utilising a Baseline Tungsten Aligner and Core Zero, Ivan, who bagged fish from 28.6lb to a 48lb, takes up the story:

“I waited  weeks so that I could go fishing in one of the my favourite seasons; the spring. My hope was to catch the carp that were beginning to approach the shallow waters.

“I had several kilos of Big Fish Boilies and my approach was to fish in snag spots near to submerged trees. It proved a good move as on the very first night, giving me two wonderful commons.

“Unfortunately, bad weather made the carp move away from the margins, so I decided to move to another lake in the north for the last few nights.

“The weather was getting worse. We were now five days into the trip and it rained constantly and the lake level was rising so rapidly it forced us to move the pod. The decision to abandon the shallow waters to fish in greater depths proved a good one though, and in fact I caught a beautiful wild common in the first few hours of fishing.”

Ivan Battisti

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