Dear Prime Minister
On Sunday a massive number of decent law-abiding people, men, women and children, came to London from all quarters of the country to demonstrate peaceably in support of the principles of liberty and livelihood in the countryside. They represented countless more of the rural constituency who make up nearly a fifth of our population and were joined by a very large number of townspeople who share their concerns, as well as many from countries overseas.
Your Government came to power stressing its commitment to the principles of fairness, tolerance and diversity but I must tell you that the widespread feeling among country people is that this does not include them. It is unfortunate that, whilst urban and rural white papers were published around the same time, last week we saw the announcement only of an urban summit. Doubtless this is merited but of an even more acutely needed rural summit there is still no news.
On the television screens along the march route there were displayed throughout the day summaries of the ten points on which the countryside wants action. If Government were seen to act on the ten ten points we have outlined. we and all major rural organisations would do all we could to ensure the active support of rural people to help Government help them.
Finally, on behalf of all the countryside’s diverse communities and minorities we call on your Government to treat their interests and concerns with as much respect and fairness as all other minorities. Your Government has been elected to govern for the nation, for all people, not just those who voted for it. It will be respected if it is seen to do this.
Yours sincerely
John Jackson
Chairman, Countryside Alliance.