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THERE are some fantastic marks along this
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stretch of coastline that lend themselves to the dedicated big-fish angler. Species like rays, bass, cod and conger eels can all be targeted.
This is a vast area of steep, high cliffs which are continually crumbling – so never walk or fish directly underneath them. Consequently, most of the fishing is done at low water. Always check you will not be cut off by a fast, rising tide. Access is gained by taking junction 35 off the M4, following the A473, then the B4265 looking for signs to Monknash, Marcross or Llantwit, depending on where you decide to fish. Never leave valuables in your car and, if possible, use a steering wheel locking device.
Point At Monknash
This can be reached either by a walk through the wood from the car park near the Plough and Harrow pub, or by walking the beach in a westerly direction from the car park at Nash Point.
The sand is continually moving here but at low water, two hours back and two up, it is possible to fish the flat rock ledges onto reasonable ground using pulley rigs with rotten bottoms. There’s a chance of smoothhounds, bass or rays in summer and cod in winter. Some anglers fish the smaller tides up for bass on the rougher ground. Best baits: squid and ragworm cocktails or peeler crab.
The Sand
To the east of the boulders and ledges mentioned above, the sand is reasonably clear from snags and the cove is relatively sheltered. Many anglers regard this as a top mark for rays, especially on warm, calm nights. It is best to fish close to the corner, although the middle beach will fish but is more rock-strewn.
Again, two hours down and two up is best for rays and occasional smoothhound and flatties. Bass will make an appearance if there is a good surf running.
Nash Point
Park in the car park by the lighthouse and follow the path down the cliff valley. Arrive at the middle of the ebb and follow the water out in the direction of the buoy which marks the end of the Nash Sandbank. Best at low water on a medium tide. Good for smoothhound to crab or squid. Bass and mackerel can often be seen shoaling in the area on a calm, warm day. A small joey mackerel legered on a rising series of tides can be successful. Cod and whiting are present on the first of the flood.
The Ledge
Further east, under the lighthouse, a ledge appears about an hour or so before low water. The ground is much rougher here but there is the chance of a big conger, especially after dark. Good for cod in winter to lugworm and squid cocktails using rotten bottom pulley rigs. Hounds and bass are possible in summer along with garfish to floatfished mackerel strip on the slower tides. There are also some good spots much further along near the college, but it is a long walk.
Tresilian Bay
Drive and park at the Llantwit Major car park near the beach. Walk across the stream in a westerly direction for some distance, towards the point. The rock ledges here are clean and flat. At low tide there can be some very deep holes and eddies. Good for rays in spring and cod in winter. It is also possible to fish from the top of the low cliffs at high water – but take care because they crumble. Good for whiting in autumn.
Llantwit Beach
This area has suffered greatly in recent years from sand erosion. Some sections are just shale and stone. There is a more sandy area just over the stream and at low water it is substantial.
When a good surf is running it can be good for bass. On warm, calm, balmy evenings smoothhounds venture in close after dark. Rays too are present. In winter with rougher seas codling pass by on their way to the rougher ground. It is possible on the bigger tides to fish high water and back from near the car park. Can be good for whiting in the autumn
Tackle Shops
Kendall Trading, 11 Penybont Road, Pencoed, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, CF35 5PY, Tel: 01656 861006.
Ewenny Angling Supplies, 11b, Ewenny Road, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, CF31 3HN, Tel: 01656 662691.
Fishing World Ltd, 26 High Sreet, Tonyrefail, Porth, Mid Glamorgan, CF39 8PG, Tel: 01443 670218.
TF Top Tip 1
Take some fresh or frozen sandeels with you if you’re planning on targeting the rays. They’ll work for the bass, too. If the weather is calm and warm you can try float fishing for garfish with mackerel strips. Cut the strips about 1cm wide.