Day Five – The Final!


There was increased tension at the draw today, vital points and pounds were needed – what has the final day’s fishing of this years Maver Festival done to the leader board – read on.




A cracking day on Bolingey, Phil Ringer registered the biggest fish of the week a 20lb plus carp and the others were also catching well.


Lake Winners


1st Phil Ringer    peg 18              109lb 9oz

2nd Andy Dare    peg 23              108lb 4oz

3rd John Bradshaw         peg 36              93lb 5oz




Phil Ringer                    9 points            190lb 9oz

Andy Dare                    9 points            108lb 4oz

John Bradshaw 9 points            93lb 5oz

Richard Wood   9 points            86lb 14oz




Once again Pollawyn was on form and the high bank fished well with carp a plenty, Grant Albutt had a much needed lake win that has qualified him for next weeks festival.


Lake Winners


1st Grant Albutt  peg 18              163lb 7oz

2nd Andy Lloyd  peg 25              131lb 14oz

3rd Steve Cooke peg 27              117lb 12oz




Grant Albutt                  9 points            163lb 7oz

Timmy Rowe                 9 points            78lb 7oz

Colin Mulholland            9 points            72lb 14oz

Dave Schofield 9 points            34lb 12oz


Trelawney & Python


The lakes have done well this week and with stood the pressure; the weights were lower today but still provided great results.


Lake Winners


1st Richard Brain                        peg 12              93lb 3oz

2nd Gary White               peg 24              80lb 8oz

3rd Jason Le Bosquet                 peg 27              69lb 11oz         




Richard Brain                9 points            93lb 3oz

Gary White                    9 points            80lb 8oz

Kieron Rich                   9 points            42lb 5oz

Paul Yates                    9 points            25lb 11oz



Gwinear will definitely be in the festival for next week given its performance, at times it has been hard work but still enjoyable.


Lake Winners


1st Karl Webster peg 24              74lb 13oz

2nd William Raison          peg 28              64lb 15oz

3rd Arthur Turner peg 20              48lb 4oz




Karl Webster                 9 points            74lb 13oz         

William Raison  9 points            64lb 15oz

Mick Lees                     9 points            42lb 6oz

Ian Andrews                  9 points            26lb 8oz




The lake had had some great results this week and provided some well deserved wins for the anglers as well as vital points.


Lake Winners


1st Harry Billing peg 88              35lb 12oz

2nd Kevin Baxter peg 77              22lb 12oz

3rd Gary Gibson peg 76              19lb 1oz




Harry Billing                  9 points            35lb 12oz

Kevin Baxter                 9 points            22lb 12oz

Dean Barlow                 9 points            17lb 5oz

Richard Lawson 9 points            15lb 11oz


White Acres Maver Festival 2005 – The Winners


What an exciting week and an even more exciting final day, the points and positions have been so tight this week it has been a mad dash for the winning line from day one. There were only 3 points separating the top 10 results, it was so close no one was 100% of their final position; it was down to the very wire and went on dropped points and weight.


The Winner


John Bradshaw and newcomer to the White Acres festival circuit emerged victorious in this years Maver Festival taking the 2005 title. John is a well deserved winner who has fished strongly & consistently over the week to give him a final result of 36 points (lowest points dropped) 324lb 12oz (minus lowest days weight) John picks up a £3000 bonus as well as tackle from Maver




Tony Wynnick takes second overall on the festival, Tony has had a great week, it has been nerve wracking time climbing up the top ten and then dropping back to second, his final result was 35 points (lowest points dropped) and a weight of 253lb 4oz (minus lowest days weight) Tony cannot – and is not the type to grumble though and is thoroughly happy with his £1500 cheque and new Maver tackle.




Dean Barlow takes third position also with 35 points (lowest points dropped) with 229lb 12oz (minus lowest days weight) Dean has quietly crept up through the top ten during the week by fishing strongly and securing section wins and seconds leaving him third overall.


Overall Top Twenty


 1st          John Bradshaw 36 points          324lb 12oz

2nd        Tony Wynnick    35 points          253lb 4oz

3rd         Dean Barlow                 35 points          229lb 12oz

4th         John Waples                 34 points          223lb 1ooz

5th         Paul Greenwood            34 points          165lb 14oz

6th         Kieron Rich                   34 points          334lb 7oz

7th         Steve Ringer                 34 points          230lb 8oz

8th         Rob Brennan                 34 points          227lb 5oz

9th         Paul Yates                    34 points          258lb 4oz

10th       Adam Rooney   34 points          260lb 6oz

11th       Richie Hull                     33 points           425lb 3oz

12th       Jason Le Bosquet         33 points           198lb 5oz

13th       Will Raison                    33 points          229lb 2oz

14th       Geoff Ringer                 33 points           309lb 12oz

15th       Charlie Mayers                             33 points           272lb 13oz

16th       Dave Schofield 33 points          185lb 9oz

17th       Karl Webster                 33 points          327lb 6oz

18th       Kevin Baxter                 33 points          257lb 7oz

19th       Gary Webber                 33 points          236lb 2oz

20th       Tommy Pickering           33 points          214lb 8oz


So this is the end of another successful White Acres festival, massive thanks to our sponsor Maver and to all of the anglers that took part – see you in 2006! Full festival results coming soon.