Mal Watson (tel: 07966 890086) is the fishery manager that catches more than his fair share in matches and expects maggots to be taking ‘pole position’ as water temperatures take a dive. Feed Moorlands own brand of pellets in conjunction with two pints of maggots, whites with the odd red, on either pole or waggler for a full session. Straight lead with hair-rigged corn and meat is also worth a go and these methods apply to the whole complex. Meadow Pool (60 pegs) will be seeing an introduction of almost 3,000 carp, in both Common and Mirror form, from 12oz to 1lb, and these fish will gobble-up sprayed maggots. Get ’em competing for food, even though they might well prefer to stay downstairs, and it’ll be bag-up time. Moors (21) is a deeper pool, and anglers can expect to catch down the edge, with maggot or corn totally dominant in the bait department. Bank (26) will see carp shoaled up tight and smart anglers cast a waggler or straight lead towards the middle of the lake, by the aerator, using a single bait and no feed whatsoever to fool the better specimens. If chub to 4lb tickle your fancy, then spray plenty of maggots, fish the wag 3ft deep, and drive those ‘rubber-dubs’ mad! Owners Mark and Shaun can be contacted on 01299 250427 and the lovely Tracy will take club and match bookings on the same number. Day tickets are £6 with concessions £5 and after 1pm it is £4.50 and £4 respectively. There is an on-site tackle shop, with Karen serving up hot food and drinks in the 85-seater café and bar.