The Angling Trust are pleased to announce the launch of their NEW Boat fly fishing competition the Tri-Masters, following on from the success of the Loch Style Team Championships which it launched three years ago. The Tri-Masters is for teams of three anglers, whether these are established teams of three or three fishing friends who wish to get together to try their hand at competition fishing.

The Tri-Masters is a one day match to be held at Draycote Water on Sunday 19th April 2020. The match will be fished to the same format as the Loch Style Team Championships where there will be three, 3 hr fishing sessions which will see each team member fish two sessions with one of their team members and act as a boat steward for one session, stewarding another team. The competition will be fished on a catch, measure and release basis where the boat steward will measure and record the fish caught. The team with the longest combined length of fish over the three sessions will be the Tri-Master Champions.

There will be cash prizes for first, second and third with Fly Fish Store vouchers for fourth, fifth and sixth from our sponsors Fly Fish Store.

The match will be fished from drifting boats to fishery rules, therefore there are no restrictions on the flies you can use. The full set of rules can be found on the Angling Trust website at

Teams wishing to enter this competition must book in on the Angling Trust online booking system at

For further information please email Angling Trust Competitions Support Officer Andy Taylor at

Angling Trust Competitions Support Officer Andy Taylor said “The Tri-Masters has been a competition we wanted to launch based on the success of the six angler Loch Style Team Championships. It was evident that anglers wanted to fish this match but couldn’t find six anglers to form a team, hence this new three angler competition. The relaxation on the rules around flies you can use will hopefully bring in new competitors who would like to have a go at a boat competition but don’t have the International size flies to do so. We welcome competitors who are new to the competition circuit along with established teams. This could be a great opportunity to watch some of the best anglers on the competition circuit. We decided to hold this competition early in the season to avoid clashes in the congested competition calendar and to coincide with the superb early season buzzer fishing at Draycote.”

Ifor Jones Fly Fish Store Fishery Manager said “Having first discussed this Tri-Masters format with the Angling Trust over two years ago we are excited that Draycote has been chosen to host this first event, and we are providing £450.00 worth of sponsorship.

The three angler, Tri-Masters team, one day format fished to Draycote fishery rules, with no restriction on barbless or debarred fly patterns used is the ideal opportunity for anglers to try their hand at competition fishing.”