SEA anglers want their governing body to put more effort into targeting conservation and fisheries issues.
And in order to do that, the
The news comes as the body announced it had attracted 6000 into its new membership scheme, plus some 350 clubs.
The 6000 members have clearly indicated by two-to-one that their preference is for the NFSA to expand its already considerable efforts towards being a more effective political voice on conservation and fisheries issues.
“We need to improve month on month if we are to meet and service the demands that the sea angler and the sport is placing upon us,” said a spokesman.
“Some clubs and their anglers have yet to directly support the NFSA, whilst others see us as insurance brokers, competition organisers and festival and medal list coordinators.
“Whilst these are important services, which we are pleased to dispense to our members, there are other overriding responsibilities which are placed upon us, that we have a priority to address if we are to play our part as the Sea Anglers’ Representative Body.”
In order to do that, the NFSA says it must reduce or redirect some of its other responsibilities and work. They are therefore going to pass the running of festivals and competitions onto the Divisions and associate members.
The NFSA has recently employed a dedicated person to help run the Head Office and the membership services and this, they say, will free up considerable time for the Development Officer to focus on development and conservation.
“We will continue our obligations to Sport England in respect of the national teams and our development projects. However, if we are to more effectively tackle the issues that determine the future for Recreational Sea Angling, we will need more members and more finances, and these finances can only come from the sea anglers themselves,” added the spokesman.
“All organisations have their critics and whatever they perceived about our work priorities in the past, that is now changing, with more emphasis and resources directed towards a more proactive approach in matters of marine conservation at regional, national and international level.
“So the real test of their beliefs should see them putting their money and support from where their past criticism has emanated and we sincerely hope that this is the case because the cause for sea angling and the fisheries on which it is dependant will founder if we waste our energies on low priority issues.
“On the back of promises of support from sea anglers, the NFSA has committed itself to tackle head on these real issues so be sure that you play your part by joining as an Individual or Personal Member.”