The best trout of the week from Packington Somers fell to the rod of a Mr G O’Neill from Birmingham, who fished the Great Pool from a boat with a red Buzzer and floating line and bagged an 8lb 12oz rainbow.
On Cocks Close, fishery regular Ben Collyer of Solihull caught and released 18 fish including six over 4lb, all falling to a Cat’s Whisker fished on an intermediate line.
Dave Bevan of Birmingham had seven fish on Hall Pool on a GRHE Nymph, while another Birmingham angler, Dave Bratby caught and released nine fish to over 4lb using a team of small Buzzers on a floating line.
The top patterns are Damsel Nymph, GRHE, Montana Nymph, Bloodworm, PT Nymph, Cat’s Whisker and black Tadpole. During the brighter days, lures fished slow and deep have worked best but during overcast periods, the small nymphs and even dries have been the best option.