The Countryside Alliance Campaign for Angling, together with the National Federation of Sea Anglers (NFSA), welcomes Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw MP’s announcement that pair-trawling within 12 miles of the
Whilst this measure is primarily to protect marine animals such as dolphins it will also lead to greater protection of bass stocks.
Charles Jardine, Director of the Campaign for Angling commented: “This bold step will aid bass recovery measures. It will also ensure safe havens for a species that not only offers a wonderful sporting opportunity for many anglers but also boosts the rural economy by attracting anglers to seaside destinations”
David Rowe the Director of the National Federation of Sea Anglers was equally complimentary of the Government’s action, suggesting that: “This ban on pair- trawling will ensure precious bass populations are protected along our coastline. The NFSA applauds any measure which aid both fish stocks and sea angling issues. Sadly, trawlers will still be able to take fish beyond the 12 mile limit, but we applaud this initiative”.
Charles Jardine concluded: “Pair trawlers and the methods that they employ do enormous damage to prime adult breeding bass stocks, as well as many other species, and given the species’ slow rate of maturity, anything that helps preserve breeding stocks is a massive boost for future stocks and angling initiatives.”