’s undisputed Champion Tackle Tart, Steve ‘The Mac’ McCrory, could not wait to show our roving southern reporter Steve ‘Glebe Champ 2003 And Proud Of It’ Martin the contents of his Matchbox when they met up at Gold Valley this week.
“We were there to talk about all things angling in the south of England and the taking of photographs, when I suggested taking some pictures of the contents of his box, which by chance he had with him,” said Steve, who will be defending his crown in May.
“As you can see from this picture, he has what I can only describe as an unhealthy obsession of pole rigs.”
You are not joking Steve – has anyone ever had such a neat collection of rigs?
“This is only half of them,” explained Steve, who has put himself up for election to the committee of one of the regional clubs to be funded through the new club site which goes live in late Feb . “You should see what I have at home.”
Yes well maybe not Steve, but if you are fishing the Glebe match in May, which will also include a pairs event this year, you know what to do if you run out of rigs…
Steve Martin, DHP reporter,