Saturday 3rd December’05, NEGAS Winter League, (round 4) It was one of those strange days when the resident carp decided it was either too cold to feed or maybe they just couldn’t be bothered to as only one small stockie was landed throughout the entire match. However, rumour has it that it may have had something to do with the fact that Dave Bettles took advantage of the warmer weather conditions and went for an early morning pre-match swim in his peg, which in turn polluted the rest of the lake and put the carp off feeding! Dave decided to leave early as all he’d managed to catch by noon was hypothermia, (which was more than the rest of the other lads at that time!). I’ve been reliably informed by the club’s secretary that Tony Codling had moaned about his draw, as peg 23 was covered in “all the leaves in the east of England” following an easterly blow into his peg. However, Tony fished the waggler with maggot and had a nice mixed bag of ide, orfe, skimmers and tench for his winning 19-00. Apparently this was the 2nd week running that Coddy had battered Lenny Pulford off the next peg, which serves him right for catching the ponds wildlife and threatening to kill the poor moorhen…. but he let it go after being threatened with disqualification and a similar ‘neck stretching’ by the other 22 anglers! In 2nd place was Geoff Dunham with 12-06 off peg 18, Geoff fished the waggler and pole with maggot to take a lot of small fish plus a bonus bream of around 4lbs. Wednesday 7th December’05, ‘Glen C’s knock-up’, Lovely clear blue skies greeted the lads for this ‘knock-up’ and there was the usual amount of good banter at the draw, as both Neil Robinson and Glen Collins had drawn well on 28 and 26 respectively, (especially when you consider they had a spare peg between them as ‘hot-peg’ 27 was left in the bag!). Scott Rispin had drawn peg 17 and was way ahead in the 1st hour as he had lots of carp on the tip. However, Robbo had opted to fish the waggler with double red maggot and despite a relatively slow start, he caught steadily and by the end of the 2nd hour he’d overtaken Scott. The unusual thing for Robbo was that the fish fed all day, the longest he had to endure without a bite was about 10 minutes. Robbo stuck it out for the majority of the match on the waggler, but he did have a short spell on the pole at 14.5 metres which saw him catch 8 small stockies but at a slower catch-rate, so he went back on the waggler. At the weigh-in Robbo put around 130 small stockies plus a bonus ide of around 2lbs on the scales for his winning weight of 82-14. In 2nd place was Scott Rispin with a level 40-00 of carp off peg 17, Scott had most of his fish on the tip with corn and would probably have had a few more fish if Rich Wiley hadn’t “balled it in” half way through the match! This also finished Glen Collins’ chances of taking 3rd place as his swim died in the last half of the match, which allowed Ken Swyer on peg 13 to nick 3rd spot. Ken fished the pole with maggot at 14 metres and had a nice mixed bag of carp, ide, orfe and skimmers for 39-10. Result : 1st N. Robinson, Whizzo / Discount Tackle, 82-14. 2nd S. Rispin, Compleat Angler, 40-00. 3rd K. Swyer, RAFA AC, 39-10. 4th G. Collins, Everetts Whizzo, (peg 26), 30-12. Risby Lakes, Tench pond, 15 pegs Sunday 4th December’05, Tony C’s knock-up, The Tench pond fished well for this friendly ‘knock-up’ and proving there’s still life in the old dog was Mary’s AC star Chris Rogers as he won the match by a comfortable margin with 32-15 off peg 18. Chris fished corn over pellet on the pole at 13 metres to take some quality carp to 6lbs, rumour has it that the peg must’ve been ‘solid’! In 2nd place was Ian Johnson with 26-04 off peg 22, Ian fished the pole at 13 metres with maggot and had a nice bag of tench and carp. Result : 1st C. Rogers, Mary AC, 32-15. 2nd I. Johnson, Discount Tackle, 26-04. 3rd B. Walmsley, Westlands, (peg 28), 23-09. 4th T. Crawford, Westlands, (peg 23), 15-05. Risby Lakes, Tench pond, 25 pegs Sunday 4th December’05, RAFA AC Match The warmer weather certainly inspired the carp and tench to feed well for the RAFA lads as quality winter bags were recorded from the entire pond. Today’s winner was Tony Billam with 67-14 off peg 21, Tony fished the waggler towards the island with maggot on the hook and had some lovely carp to 6lbs. In 2nd place was Carl graham with another great weight of 57-06 off in-form peg 34. Result : 1st T. Billam, 67-14. 2nd C. Graham, 57-06. 3rd P. Smith, (peg 31), 41-04. 4th T. Stokes, (peg 14), 41-03. Form Guide . . . . Risby Lakes, near Walkington, Day Tickets only £5.00 throughout winter! All the ponds are seeing the recently introduced stockies feeding well ….. Folly.. Risby now has it’s own brand of pellets and paste, (which are produced by Whizzo, so their quality is assured!).. The Folly has been fishing very well this week, with last weekend’s match being won with a lovely bag of carp just short of 60lbs and the midweek open being won with 82-14. The slightly milder weather should see great sport continuing as the carp should continue to feed well again. Pleasure and match anglers are finding that the waggler and tip are producing more fish than the pole in most of the pegs as the fish seem to be out of pole range. Best baits are still maggot and corn. Tench.. sport has been a bit up and down this week with some anglers have good weights in excess of 40lbs one day, then struggling for 10lbs the next day. Tactics & baits are dependant on conditions & what peg you’re on, but maggot and corn are consistent for the tench and carp. The recently introduced stockies are feeding well in pegs 13 – 18 and 21 – 28, these pegs are probably the most consistent at the moment. On milder days it’s still possible to fish maggot & caster shallow for the ide, skimmers & chub, but be warned… if you fish maggot, you can expect to catch plenty of bits which can be a bit of a nuisance! Carp.. pleasure anglers have been getting nets over 50lbs again this week, with pegs around the island or 31 – 34 and 1 – 6 all very consistent. Maggot, pinkies and corn have all worked again this week with the pole fished at around 9 – 11 metres on the deck. Try fishing 2 or 3 lines and keep your feed going in ‘little & often’. It may be necessary to ‘rest your swim’ from time to time by fishing a different line to keep the bites coming. The larger carp are being taken on single maggot rather than corn on most of the pond. Orchard.. sport has been good again this week, with the odd pleasure net of around 45lbs still being taken. The Orchard is Risby’s smallest lake and is already heavily stocked with carp, but it’s recently had a further 200lbs of stockies put in. Best baits are maggot and corn, but pellet will still work on the milder days. Fish are being caught at between 8 – 11 metres on the deck. Try feeding 2mm feed pellets fluffed up to start, then increase the feed by putting in a few grains of corn and the odd maggot. Don’t forget… you must keep the feed going in ‘little & often’ to keep the bites coming.
Result : 1st T. Codling, 19-00. 2nd G. Dunham, 12-06. 3rd D. Smith, (peg 27), 10-00. 4th N. Grantham, (peg 32), 8-06. 5th S. Abbott, (peg 19), 6-13. 6th L. Pulford, (peg 24), 6-12.
Risby Lakes, Folly, 13 pegs