A 32-page ‘waterproofed’ guide to most of the commonly used fishing knots, designed to fit easily into your tackle box or bag.
Written by sea angler Jim O’Donnell and illustrated very clearly by Steve Lucas, it’s designed to serve as a ‘must have’ for the beginner and a reminder for the more experienced angler.
Covered in ‘how to’ form with concise text, are the following knots: uni knot; water knot; shock leader knot; spider hitch; bimini twist; figure-of-eight knot; tucked half blood knot; palomar knot; centauri knot; Rapala knot; clinch knot; stopper knot; grinner knot; end loop knot and the so called surgeon’s loop. Plus how to make a dropper loop, crimp a wire trace and how to attach your reel line to the spool of your fishing reel using an arbor knot.
Part of a series of pocket guides from the RYA which also includes ‘Sea Fishing Baits’ and ‘Sea Fishing Rigs’.
Price: £5.99
Author: Jim O’Donnell
Publisher: The Royal Yachting Association
ISBN number: 9781906435370