Roach – 1lb 1/2 on pole and caster on the Cavendish along with skimmers -2lb in nets of 40+lb pegs 1-13 best.Mr. Tracey Wallace had a nice net of Ide – 2lb+ on pole and worm fishing pole across to the bank on peg 16 on the Langdale weighing in at 46lb pegs 1-6 have been the best but you can catch from all of them. Carp into double figures have been showing on the Sherwood lake pegs 25-28 and 40-43 the place to be.The Holmedale as just got used to the cold weather with match weights to over 70lb and pleasure results over that, the fish are starting to shoal up and are easy to spot so its worth a look before fishing. For up-to date form ring the fishery on 07721316334 attached is 15 year old Adam Radford with his biggest ever carp a 7lb mirror on pole and pellet from peg 41 on the Sherwood lake.