Tuesday Open 
Sherwood Lake 17 fished
1st Ben Holmes Dynamite Matrix Trentman peg 25, 41-0-0
2nd Dave Hiley Dynamite Matrix Trentman peg 27, 39-14-0
3rd Chris Greensides Dynamite Matrix Trentman peg 23, 34-10-0
4th Brian Elliott Sherwood Forest Fishery peg 13, 20-5-0
5th Dave Nicholls Notts AA peg 19, 17-15-0
6th Steve Richards Sherwood Forest Fishery peg 30, 16-12-0
Ben fished an excellent match in the very windy conditions, fishing the pole at 6m and maggot over ground bait having a fish nearly every put in he weighed 41lb of mixed silvers – 12oz.Fishing the pole and pellet from flyer peg 27 Dave had a net of skimmers and bream – 4lb plus 3 carp but still couldn’t beat his team mate finishing with 39lb 14oz, finishing the battle of the Trentman was Chris Greensides fishing the pole and caster for and all roach net.