Tag: Angling news

Salmon fishing in the Wye

Fishermen on the Wye with an interest in the plight of wild Atlantic salmon will be eager to hear the latest research being carried out to reverse the decline of this iconic species at an evening talk by celebrated fish scientist Bill Beaumont on Thursday 22nd November at the Three Salmons Hotel, Usk.Titled ‘Salmon: Work […]

“Getting London Fishing”

A London Angling Action Group has been formed to encourage Londoners to get fishing again and to take advantage of cleaner and better stocked waterways.The well-attended action group launch saw 44 movers-and-shakers of angling in London come together, including representatives from the Angling Trust, Environment Agency, Thames21, the London Wildlife Trusts, borough councils, schools and […]

Conference Season Shows Cross Party Support For Angling

The importance of shooting and fishing was endorsed by senior politicians from all sides at three rural receptions jointly hosted by the Angling Trust and the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) at the Liberal Democrats’ conference in Brighton, Labour’s gathering in Manchester and the Conservatives’ rally in Birmingham. All three parties pledged to […]