Shakespeare has stepped in to sponsor tcf magazines new Conundrum Corner section and give you the chance to win some great prizes from the firm’s excellent Mach range.
We’re enlisting names from the very top of match and big fish angling to answer your questions.
And to give you a little incentive to fill in the form on this page, we’re giving away four great tackle prizes every month.
The sender of the what we deem to be the Star Question will find themselves fishing with a fantastic Mach 3 13ft float rod and Mach reel combination.
The gold-branded Mach 3 rods and reels represent the top level of quality in Shakespeare’s comprehensive new range that’s already won many plaudits. Mach 1 and Mach 2 products also hit the market this year.
The versatile three-piece float rod is made from high quality 36-ton carbon and displays a lovely progressive through action. It’s soft enough in the fine, hollow tip to allow the use of hooklengths down to a gossamer 1lb breaking strain, but yet through the blank displays plenty of power so you can use it with lines up to 6lb straight through when targeting bigger fish. So you can use it on your river sessions, and on those commercial fisheries too.
Other features include an innovative adjustable length triple A grade cork handle, overslide joints and a rod sleeve with reel pouch.
It’s a great deal of rod for £95, and that will be paired with the rear drag Mach 3 035 reel, which sells at £48.
Supplied in a deluxe reel case, it comes with four aluminium spools with two handle options – one touch and counterbalanced. Three of the four spools are shallow match style spools in this seven ball bearing reel that exhibits excellent line lay, smooth retrieve and displays positive cranking power.
In addition, three more readers each month will be receiving the slightly larger Mach 3 rear drag 040 reel as runners’ up prizes. It comes with the same range of features as the 035 and is worth £50.
So what are you waiting for? Let us know your own conundrum – it can be about anything you like as long as it’s angling related – and if your question is selected, one of our TCF team of angling stars will solve it for you and hopefully help you put more and bigger fish in the net.
Conundrum Corner
Your Angling Query:
Post Code:
Send your questions in on the form in August’s issue of tcf (out second Wednesday of July) to; Conundrum Corner, Total Coarse Fishing, DHP Ltd, 2 Stephenson Close, Drayton Fields, Daventry, Northants, NN11 8RF or email