Total Fishing Skanderborg meet 2003 – Sponsored by Matchcraft Denmark/Holland
THE first
The day started off with a very overcast and windy feel to it and just as the participants started fishing the rain came down. Luckily after about an hour of miserable rain and wind, the rain eased off, the clouds parted to leave blue sky, and sun but the wind stayed for the remainder of the match.
The anglers were as follows:
Lee Wood (Lives in
Karen Laursen (Denmark)
Peter Braasch (
Kim Thomsen (
Barry Jackson (
Steve Bridges (
Brian Perrigo (
The winner Kim Thomsen (pictured below) took a fabulous 74lb 12oz of bream with a few roach on the seven metre whip to hand and Scopex sweet corn.
Second place: Matchcraft’s Peter Braasch taking 62lb on the close range feeder with this fabulous bag of bream (below) with a few roach in for good measure.
The Danes proved that they really are top class bream bagging anglers and were tough for the remaining English anglers to beat,
Fourth placing went to Barry Jackson with 32lb 8oz of bream and roach (below).
Fifth placing went to Brian Perrigo with 25lb of bream
Finally in seventh was beginner fisher lady Karen Laursen (below) with 4lb 12oz of small roach and perch on the whip after 2½ hours with just one fish!. She only ever normally fishes for two or so hours pleasure fishing with Lee, but today managed to be very patient and relaxed to end up fishing the full five hours catching small roach and perch, and although she finished in last place, she should be VERY proud of her first ever match!
By the end of the year, Lee is confident he will have trained her up to become a fantastic bream and boach bagger on the pole and feeder!
The prize for first place was a fabulous Bram Platform with a few extra accessories too. We would like to thank Peter Braasch of Matchcraft

Next year we hope more will fish the second TF Skanderborg meet.
Anyone and everyone from a beginner to a world champ will be welcome to fish. The match will be placed AROUND the same time next year, but a set date will be made towards the end of this year or the early part of 2004. If anyone is interested in fishing next year’s contest please show there interest by emailing Lee Wood at
Further information about fishing holidays in Denmark and the wonderful lakes of Skanderborg, Silkeborg and more can be found on Anglers World holidays web page which is advertised in the angling press.
Lee Wood