There is the feeling amongst many working in fisheries that the Environment Agency (EA), in its role as implementers of the Water Framework Directive, is not taking on the issues that are of real importance to our freshwater fisheries.

In order to try and answer some of the concerns the Institute of Fisheries Management (IFM) along with Brooksby Melton College are hosting a seminar entitled “The Water Framework Directive: Implications for fisheries” to be held at the Brooksby campus of the college on Saturday 23rd February 2008.

The series of talks and discussions including an introduction to the WFD, Invasive Species, Barriers to Fish Movement and River Improvements aims to attract a wide audience from members of the WFD Liaison Boards and their environmental sub groups, as well as EA staff, fishery owners, angling clubs, fishery managers and conservation officers.

Jim Lyons from the IFM who is organising the event said:

“There is a lot of feeling that as head of the food chain in aquatic environments that fish should be given a greater focus than is currently being considered and as a consequence there is likely to be some criticism of the way the EA is handling the WFD and whether it will actually assist in improving fisheries. This seminar is not aiming to answer all questions but rather to re focus attention and to highlight the issues so that those with the powers to improve things can go away with a better understanding”

Anyone wishing to attend the seminar or requiring further information should contact Valerie Holt at the IFM –

The Seminar takes place from 10 am until approximately 2:45pm at Brooksby campus, Brooksby Melton College, Leicestershire.  LE14 2LJ (on the A607 Leicester to Melton road)