February 2007
Take one top English angler. Take a super-bright, horrific lure pattern.
Take a clear stillwater fishery. Stock that fishery with rainbow trout that could swallow a whole chicken. And watch and wait.
Howard Croston reveals the latest trick up his sleeve when faced with stalking stillwater trout; this is far from traditional fly fishing and some anglers will throw their arms up in horrorŠ but others will love it welcome to the world of static stalking.
Head To Head
It¹s the battle of the Scottish west coast this month, as two anglers take on a six-fish challenge. Who will tie the flies and use them to their deadliest effect? Who¹s going to end up winning a Nite WatchŠ and just who is going to get carted off by the law at the end of the day?!
If you and a friend fancy taking each other on in our Head To Head challenge, why not write to Today¹s Flyfisher?
Featured Tyer
That man Downie’s done it again! Former Loch Leven record holder Dave Downie tells us the story of how he smashed the Lake Of Menteith¹s rainbow trout record with an incredible 17lb 13oz fish at the end of the last season.
Exclusive to Today¹s Flyfisher, Dave lets us into the secret of his Booby pattern than fooled the fish, explaining all with a step-by-step guide for fly tyers!
Concrete Jungle
Regular readers will remember the exploits of mad-cap fly angler ‘Skateboard’ Dave; the man that will catch anything from gudgeon to pike, dace to trout on a fly. Back by popular demand, we join Dave on a trip to an, er, idyllic venue in the centre of Derby town where he pits his wits against the grayling population that lives in concrete storm drains.