Jim’s Smallwater Secrets: Nymphomania
Scottish stillwater master Jim Crawford shows how, by avoiding the Œchuck and chance it¹ approach, the nymph angler can out-fish all others on small lakes. Take ten minutes to findout about your fishery¹s features and the way trout use them to ambush prey; half the battle is won!
Life’s A Beach
UK saltwater guide Austen Goldsmith continues his popular series and explains just what the budding sea-farer requires when it comes to gear. As the sea warms, it¹s really time to hit the shore and preparing for your first trip will help avoid the headaches that this tough terrain brings with itŠ
Mastering Menteith
Dave Downie, Jim Litster and Jimmy McBride take us on a tour of Scotland¹s most popular stillwater fishery, revealing all the top drifts, fly patterns and techniques you need to know to make a day afloat a success. Menteith also produces some serious surprises each season, so there¹s no excuse not to book your boat now!

The Flies To Catch Fish
Each month TFF brings you the step-by-step instructions for tying four patterns, bound to reap the rewards on your local water. In this issue we have a classic Cruncher for the nymph angler, a simple but deadly Yellow May Emerger for the thinking river fisher, a hot new variation of a salmon favourite, and one little gem that¹s never been seen before!