Today’s Flyfisher March issue…

Strike It Lucky!
One of the nation¹s favourite fly fishers, Charles Jardine, gives us an insight into getting the most out of your buzzers in the early season. While more classicist anglers may turn their noses up at fishing strike indicators, Charles explains that, in cold weather, it is the most imitative method of presenting your patterns.
High Water Heads

In the early season, more than any other time of the year, it can be a gamble as far as rain is concerned. Sod¹s law says that your week¹s spring fishing in Ireland will coincide with a perfectly-timed monsoon and you may as well opt for the nearest pint of Guinness. This doesn¹t have to be the case. Here¹s a method to count on when all others reach for the spinning gear.
Happy Snappers!

Following an interesting hot-tip, Andy Petherick travels to the wilds of mid-Wales to tackle a stillwater where the trout have become fed-up with the usual diet of insects. The invasion of American signal crayfish may well be a blow for the British environment, but at one fishery the locals aren¹t complaining!
Tackle Test

At up to 34p per metre, fluorocarbon must be pretty good stuff eh? Using a dedicated line-testing machine, we continue our trend of technical tackle tests to reveal if we¹re better off sticking with good old nylon. The no holds barred review states the facts only; tackle companies beware – the truth hurts!
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