December issue

8 News

Read about the proposed increase in bass size limits. It could mean more and bigger bass for all of us.
10 Catch Scene
We¹ve never known a year like it! You¹ve been catching more double-figure bass than ever before find out where from.
16 Black Lug!
Times they are a changing. TSF discovers that black lugworm is going to be the number-one cod bait this year!
22 The Fish Finder
Snakes alive! If you want to get your string pulled by something other than a cod, we show you how to do battle with the mighty conger.
30 British Open Preview
It¹s bigger and better than ever before. Take a look at what¹s in store for the UK¹s biggest open shore competition.
34 Ask Us A Question
You¹re sea fishing problems answered by our panel of experts.
38 On Your Marks
Felixstowe in
46 Boulby¹s Pot Of Gold
Darren Taylor reveals his favourite northeast cod mark, in detail and just for you!
Total Tackle
55 TSF Tackle Awards
Your chance to have your say on the best tackle products, companies and innovations of 2005.
58 Testing Times
Barney Wright has a fling with the new, 14ft Powerstorm Odysseus beachcaster.
Barney also puts the new, 16ft, three-piece Carbon Metal SRE to the ultimate test.
60 Shore Tackle
Is this the end for coasters? Check out the new Talon reel grip, plus loads more.
64 On Test
The Parker Adjustable Pro Match Rod Rest has to be the best we¹ve seen, here in the TSF office. Discover why.
66 Loadsa Luggage!
Take a look at this lot the new range of Imax luggage, specifically designed for sea anglers.
70 Boat Tackle
The DAM Bulldozer 10lb-15lb Boat Rod and some new braid from Sea Match are reviewed this month.
73 Revved Up
One of the most popular outboard engines for craft in the range of 14ft to 16ft is the Yamaha F30A. Here¹s whyŠ
75 Electronics
We review the Eagle SeaChamp 2,000C-DF Sonar/GPS and the Standard Horizon HX270E VHF Radio.
78 Boat Test
Mike Thrussell explores the Terhi 385 Dinghy measuring 12ft 6in long an ideal first-boat choice.
108 Bird¹s Eye View
David Bird focuses on genetically modified fatty acids and the plight of the world¹s tuna stocks.
109 Hitting The Horizon
The latest news and results from the world champs, plus more international events.
82 YYS International Boat Angling Challenge
Who won what, and all the details why you should enter this big money boat comp next year.
86 Hidden Treasures Of The North Sea Part Two
Last month we talked tope, now we¹re trolling for bass with lures and catching pollack on live launce!
94 Wet Dreams
Jim O¹Donnell discovers a boat competition format that we really should be adopting here in the
106 Tide Table
Don¹t get your tides mixed up! You could be in for some serious cod fishing this month.
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