Contents July

8 News
All the latest news and events affecting sea angling.
10 Word Up
Your chance to have your say about all things fishy.
14 Groundbaiting
Learn the secrets to beach groundbaiting to help you catch more fish.
20 Daz Challenge
This month Daz tries his luck on
26 Species Spotlight
Can you spot the difference between the common and starry smoothhound? Do you know what they eat? Marine biologist and top angler Dr Andy Rees explains everything you need to know.
29 Baiting Game
Peter Thain shows us how to collect and use ragworms, one of the most versatile of sea angling baits.
34 Brainstormers
Got a question that you need answering? Then send it in and our team of experts will endeavour to answer it.
38 Pier Pressure
We head to Aberystwyth this month to see what’s on offer from the local pier.
46 Steve Allmark Live
52 World Class
More expert tips from Steve Allmark, probably the best shore angler in the world!
56 Rock Hopper
Scottish angler Shaun Cumming starts a new series in which he attempts to catch 20 different species from just five different rock marks. Can he do it?
62 Hitting The Horizon
All the latest results and gossip from the world of tournament casting.
64 What’s New
All the latest tackle and gadgets… sure to get you drooling.
71 Testing Times 1
We test the new Leeda Piranha beach rod that has two different tips for targeting bass and flounders.
73 Testing Times 2
Mitchell has introduced a 15ft Continental-style beach rod in the form of the Armada Pro. We see if it’s up to the demands of the
74 Dare To Compare
Don’t know what seatbox to buy? Then check this out – we’ve picked seven of the best to help you decide.
68 £3,000 PowerStorm Giveaway
Here’s your last token. Send it in with the other two and you could soon be sent a lifetime’s supply of PowerStorm fishing tackle.
87 Win Garmin Marine Electronics
We’ve got some serious marine electronics to give away in this easy-to-enter competition.